Everything You Need to Bring to An Airsoft Game (Checklist)

How-To & Guides

There’s nothing worse than getting to the airsoft field and realizing you forgot something important. Maybe it’s your goggles, or you didn’t grab your batteries on the way out the door. It happens to all of us but it can be avoided. Here’s everything I bring when I play airsoft conveniently listed for you to use as a checklist. There’s also some advice sprinkled in for specific details about the guns and gear I use!

Your Airsoft Gun (And Related Items)

My personal VFC MK18.

It’s obviously important to have a functioning airsoft gun before you go to the field (unless you want to be that guy who only runs around with a knife, because there’s always one.) I like to test all of the airsoft guns I plan on bringing the night before. I plan to start charging all of my batteries early on the day before so I can ensure they’re fully charged when I hit the field.

Tactical Gear

My Zshot JPC 2.0, with extra pouches for mags, radio, and more.

Your tactical gear will encompass everything you’ll be wearing on the field. It includes important items like eye protection, and gear to hold spare magazines, water and other auxiliary items. While everyone’s needs are different, I recommend having a backpack you can leave in spawn with the stuff you don’t need to be carrying the entire time. For me, that includes spare ammo that I don’t have in a speed loader or in my mags, and extra water (beyond what is on my person.)

  • Plate Carrier/Chest Rig Option 1 – Condor Modular Training Vest
  • Plate Carrier/Chest Rig Option 2 – Condor Recon Chest Rig
    • For me, I like to have the ability to hold a minimum of 4 midcap mags, 1L of water, my radio and have a general purpose pouch for other stuff like granola bars or grenades. Scale your gear to your needs and the length of the event or game.
  • Backpack – Condor Medium Assault Pack
    • I like to use my backpack for everything I don’t need while I’m playing like extra water, BBs and my speed loader. I keep the bag at respawn so all that extra gear doesn’t weigh me down.
  • Radio – Baofeng UV5R
  • Uniform – TruSpec Combat Shirt | Truspec Combat Pants
    • You don’t need to spend a lot of money on a uniform. Surplus stores often have cheap sets you can get for around $10. You can also wear regular clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. Don’t wear bright colors and remember to dress for the weather!
  • Good Footwear – Merral MOABs
    • I cannot stress how important a good pair of boots is. Don’t roll your ankle.
  • Spare socks – Darn tough socks
    • Wet feet will make you miserable
  • Dead Rag (Red, 1’x1′ at a minimum) – Elite Force Kill Rag
    • No one likes getting overshot

Other Items To Bring

Items in this section aren’t related to airsoft, but are still incredibly important to bring with you. Many of these will make your experience much more comfortable and help you have a better time on the airsoft field.

    • This is in all caps for a reason. Bring more water than you think you’ll need for the day. I personally bring a gallon of water for a typical day but what you need depends on your own body. Keep in mind soda is not water, neither is Gatorade.
  • Food and snacks
    • While the field may sell lunch or snacks, it’s more affordable to bring your own food and you can snack throughout the day. Granola bars are great, and so is trail mix or beef jerky. Try to keep snacks semi healthy, but sweet items like candy can be a morale booster at longer games.
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Spare Clothes and shoes
    • You don’t want to show up to the Taco Bell in your sweaty uniform for after game food. Bring some comfortable clothes and shoes for after the game, it’ll also safe your car’s interior.
  • Trash bags
    • I like to bring these for any gear that gets muddy.

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Lane is the head of Content Creation and founded The BB Warrior in 2014. When he's not playing airsoft Lane is working on a degree in Broadcasting, or playing Fallout: New Vegas for the 100th time.