How Any Airsofter Can Save Money When Shopping


Over the years, airsoft has not been kind to my wallet. The hobby which originally started innocently enough playing with springers in my backyard quickly turned into a passion which consumed all the disposable income I had. That being said, in my 10 years playing airsoft I’ve found a few ways to save money when shopping for airsoft equipment!

Buy only what you need

This might seem obvious, but hear me out. I’ve often found myself buying items solely because I though they were cool or that “I’ll need them one day!” Oftentimes, “one day” never comes, or does so infrequently that what you bought sits in your closet for most of it’s life. By recognizing that there’s a difference between wants and needs, you’ll be able to save a lot of money. Does this mean you can’t buy things just because they’re cool? Absolutely not. However, if you want something, wait a week and see if you’re still thinking about it. If not, you made the right choice not to purchase the item

Buy disposable items in bulk

Items like BBs, green gas or CO2 are disposable. If they’re something you’re going to be buying often, see if you can save money by buying in larger quantities. I buy BBs in bulk (typically 5+ bottles) to save money because I know I’ll use them, and it saves me money! If you use a lot of gas airsoft guns, this also makes sense for green gas or CO2.

Buy used to save money

Many players have gently used gear that they no longer need. These items typically end up on eBay or apps like HopUp, which are excellent ways to find what you’re looking for at lower than retail prices. As a general rule, inspect the item’s functionality/condition before purchase, and always use a purchase method that protects you as a buyer, like PayPal.

How do you save money?

This article has a few ways I save money on airsoft gear, but do you have other ideas? Let me know on Facebook or Instagram and I’ll update this article with the best suggestions!

Sign up for newsletters

Airsoft retailers often have sales throughout the year, most of them to celebrate holidays. While you can expect these sales to happen, there’s many others you might miss because you’re not getting notified. Sign up for retailer’s newsletters to get emails when sales start, items are put on sale or other useful information. I’ve got a separate email account for this, which keeps them from drowning out my personal emails and makes them easier to find. Best of all, these newsletter are free!

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Lane is the head of Content Creation and founded The BB Warrior in 2014. When he's not playing airsoft Lane is working on a degree in Broadcasting, or playing Fallout: New Vegas for the 100th time.