Help Support The BB Warrior (and get some great discounts too!)
I’m going to be 100% honest with you, it takes money to keep this blog and YouTube channel running. I don’t want to sell my soul to a company that makes plastic wallets or a poorly designed mobile game to be able to continue making content. To help fund this project, I’ve started working with some great companies, to offer you discounts and help keep the website and YouTube channel running.
Coupons Codes
How does it work? Use any of the codes below to get a discount at the specified retailer. If you use them, we get a small kickback (at no additional cost to you) that helps keep the lights on and the BBs going downrange.
Fog Stop Anti-fog coating:
Click here to save 10% on your order by using the Coupon code “BBWARRIOR10” (All caps)
Amped Airsoft:
Click here to visit their website, and use coupon code “BBWARRIOR10” to save 10% off your order. *Note* we do not receive anything for purchases from Amped, they’re just good friends and have helped in numerous videos!
Check out Our Amazon Store:
This is our hand picked items off Amazon that we recommend. New items pop in regularly, and we receive a small kickback if you purchase anything.

Recently, I revamped the offerings for our YouTube channel membership, which gives user perks in exchange for a monthly donation. Those perks include exclusive emotes for livestreams, Discord perks, and being able to watch videos early! You can check out all the information here.
If you would like to make a donation to us directly through Ko-Fi, there’s a link at the top of every page on this website.
Thank you.
Seriously, without the support of every single person who enjoys what I create here on The BB Warrior, this wouldn’t be possible. I cannot wait to continue exploring the hobby of airsoft, and to create more informational videos and articles for you all.